Monday, October 17, 2011


 I  had definitely heard people talk about dust storms here in Lubbock. I mean, we've lived here for over a year and I've seen a lot, A LOT of windy, dusty days.  But now I truly know what a dust storm is.  

We made a quick trip to Walmart, literally a one minute drive. After we finished and started the drive home, this is what we saw heading toward us.

Yes, that is West Texas red dust. It has to be the craziest thing I've ever seen, weather wise.

 We got home in about a minute, unloaded the groceries and went inside.

Christian grabbed the camera and went outside to document. Lilly and I came out for a minute and once I saw how close it really was, we ran back inside. Before we got there I already had a mouthful of dust.

Once we were inside, this is what is looked like outside. It was as dark as if the sun had already set and was soo RED! I felt like Wall-e.

Christian even took a little video for you, if you really care that much.

Find it here. (Because Blogger is being retarded and not letting me embed it.)

So crazy. So now when people talk about dust storms, I understand.

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