Friday, August 27, 2010

FHE with the ducks

For Family Night we decided to go feed the ducks.

Here in Lubbock they have these lakes all over the place (at least that is what they call them, they are more like a pond though). We have at least 3 within a one minute drive of our place.

Quite a few ducks and they knew what was going down. Definitely not as spoiled as the ducks at the BYU duck pond.

Ready to feed the ducks.

Lilly loved the ducks. She would flap her arms and kick her legs and make some really funny noises. I tried to get a picture showing how happy she was, but she did not cooperate. Though you can tell how hot it is by her pink little cheeks.

The End.

1 comment:

Megan said...

How fun! What do you think about Texas? I am sad we didn't get to say goodbye but this is such an adventure for your family!